Konu: ingilizcesi iyi olan varmı??:) C.tesi Ocak 24, 2009 11:35 am
Arkadaşalr ing. i iyi olan birisi aşağıdakileri türkçeye çevirebilirmi?
Here it’s important that you work up enough speed with both arms and legs to be able to use the centrifugal force. Sit on the floor with your left leg bent and your right leg pulled back in a 90 degreeangle. Stretch out your arm and push off from the floor to start moving. At the same time, pull the leg around in a circle to increase your speed.At the beginning of the movement youshould stretch out your arms and legs, then curl up into a ball to start spinning.Try to keep the“turningpoint” as small, and as far up on the back aspossible. Keep your feet towards the ceiling.Everything below your shoulderbladesshould be up in the air, and should never touch the floor. Keep your bottom up!